What is Digital Marketing? A Complete Beginner’s Guide in 2022

by | Nov 11, 2021 | Digital Marketing

What Exactly is Digital Marketing?

The Complete Guide to Digital Marketing.

Beginner to advanced Digital Marketers trying to learn new Expertise or Improve existing ones will love this resource.

The Complete Guide for All types of People Business Owners, Marketing Professionals, Students, & anyone else looking to Digital Marketing Skill in Simple Words to Understand so This is the Right Place for You solve all types of questions Who, Why, Where, What & How to Digital Marketing in 2022?

Read it Now to Build or Polish your Digital Marketing Skills and grab future earning Opportunities through Internet Online Marketing…

What Is Digital Marketing ?

  • Digital Marketing?

  • What Exactly is Online Marketing?

  • What Comes under Digital marketing in Simple word in 2022?

If Do You Want to Learn Digital Marketing so first of all, Do You Know What is Marketing ? Digital Marketing is a Part of Marketing.

If You Understand Marketing so You can easily know What is Digital Marketing.

so, Let’s Start With Marketing in Simple Words.

What is Marketing?

  1. Marketing is the Process of Promoting or Advertising a Company’s Products or Services to a Specific Audience it’s called Marketing in Simple Words…

2. Marketing is the Process of Attracting Customers to Your Business’s, Products or Services it’s Called Marketing…

If You Want to Promote or Advertise Your Products, Services, or Brand, How Will You Do it?

You Can Advertise on Tv or Newspapers also Billboard ads or Website ads, even put You Advertise on YouTube also You can distribute Your Pamphlet and many more ways to Promote or advertise…

You Can Do It Online through Internet Sponsorship on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram ads, or other Social Media Platforms Also Digital Ways to use for Marketing…

so, Whatever Method or Channel You Choose for Marketing…

If this Method or Channel is Digital, then that’s called Digital Marketing or Online Marketing.

” You Choose a Digital channel for Marketing it’s called Digital Marketing or Internet Marketing or Online Marketing” all are same.

so again, the new question in mind is that What is Digital Channel?

…don’t be worried Dear Friends, I can explain in simple words and you can easily understand these things…

What is Digital Channel?

Digital channel or Online Marketing channels both are almost the same, those ways do You Communicate with Your targeted Audience through Digital on the internet.

Example:- Social Media Platforms ( Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and lots of many more.. ), Search Engines ( Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.. ) Websites, Applications, and even everything included in the Digital channel You have Internet & Technologies…

that’s it this is Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, or Internet Marketing all in One.

Examples of Digital Marketing Assets or channel

  • Social Media Profiles
  • Website
  • Images and Video Content
  • Blog Posts and eBooks
  • Reviews and Customer Testimonials
  • Branded Logos, Images, or Icons at online

Types of Digital Marketing.

  • 11 Types of Digital Marketing.

  • What are the Types of Digital Marketing?

This guide was created to assist you in understanding more about this topic. Each of the most efficient types of Digital Marketing is explained here, along with its advantages and purpose, as well as when and how to apply them.

So, keep on reading, and let’s increase our knowledge!

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the Process of Getting Your web Pages to Rank higher in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Mainly three types of SEO are available…

1. On-Page SEO

2. Off-Page SEO

3. Technical SEO

1. On-Page SEO

2. Off-Page SEO

3. Technical SEO

2. Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Pay-Per-Click is a form of Paid Advertising

Pay-Per-Click Marketing is connected with Google’s sponsored Search Results and includes Bidding or Spending on selected Keywords that can really generate the most traffic.

PPC means that you run ads and someone clicks on Your ads, then Google deducts the Money for this click on the ad, from Your Advertising Budget, this is called PPC.

These advertising, which frequently appears at the Top of Search Engine Results Pages, are mainly Selected by Bids on Specific Keywords, even though banner ads on Websites normally have Predefined Costs.

3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

On average users have 8 Social Media Accounts.

An average around of 3 hours are spent on Social Media per Person Per Day.

Out of the 5.11 Billion People Who have a Phone, around 3.26 Billion access Social Media using it.

People Spend 1/7th of their waking time on Social Media Platforms.

4. Content Marketing

Because Stories are at the heart of Content Marketing, and People have been sharing stories since the start of history. Everyone Who tells good stories will always get our focus, it’s a fact.

It’s like Advertising Your Brand Without the intention of Selling Anything – Simply by Sharing Content that is Both Informative and Interesting.

This type of Marketing is a little different from the others We’ve discussed so far. It’s less about clearly and unambiguously Marketing Products and Services to People and more about generating relevant and interesting Content that increases Customer satisfaction, so give content then the result is converted to sales automatically and our Brand recalls value increase on the Customer through engaging content it’s Content Marketing…

Examples: – Blogs, Memes, Infographics, Video many more for our Product & Service related but this is the Situation depends on the Creation…

5. Email & Message Marketing

Email Marketing is the Technique of Delivering Commercial Messages via E-mail to a collection of People, and delivering the bulk Text Message collection of people through Marketing is Message Marketing…

How Many Business E-mails Do You Remove on a Daily Basis?

Creates an Interesting Gap in Your E-mails, Grows Your Subscriber List, Tests E-mail Campaigns Before use, Use Strong Words in Your Content, and Builds a Customer Base and remarket this E-mail list and convert into Sales from E-mail list targeting audience…

6. Influencer Marketing

Once we’ve established that We’re talking about Digital Influencers, It’s time to define Who they are experts in certain fields with a large fan following interested in What they have to say and Peoples follow them blindly.

Digital Influencers may create specific Content in the Image, Video, Voice & any other form for Your Brand Promotion if it is relatable to their voice or field and you will pay for this…

7. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing means in Simple Words, if you sell someone else’s Product, Service, or anything, then they give You a commission on Selling this Product, then it is called Affiliate Marketing…

This is a type of Result-Based advertising Where You get a commission for Promoting someone else’s Products or Services on Your Website, Social Media Platforms, Blogs, and anywhere on Your Digital Platforms it’s called Affiliate Marketing…

8. Video & Virtual Reality (VR) Marketing

Video Marketing is used to Boost Awareness, it creates engagement and gets Views through more Sales this is also part of Digital Marketing…

Video Marketing is used in the Same Way as Blog and Email Marketing.

People Prefer Watching Videos for some reasons, like What People are saying about Products, Services & Producers…

80% of People use Videos to Learn about Products and see What People say, and 55% of Customers Watch Videos before Buying Decisions…

How to Build a Video Marketing Strategy

  1. Start with Your Video with the Specific Goal…
  2. Search for Your Target Audience…
  3. Find out What Story You want to tell…
  4. Keep Creative Requirements in Line…
  5. Be Strict for Your timeline Consistency…

9. Audio Marketing

Audio Marketing it means Podcasts

Voice Search, Podcast Ads, Alexa Skills, & Voice-enabled Advertising, lots of People not have a time for Watching Video so they are listening Audio format as a Podcast and get the Knowledge…

10. Viral Marketing

At the Present time, Something Viral is trending on Top Search and if We connect Our Content with these trending topics, content so it’s called Viral Marketing…

If Someone else’s Video, Blog Post, Photo, and much more is going on top at the Present time, it can be an issue, it can be a comedy, it can be a meme, it can be in any type of format. You can use this type of Viral Content for Your Promotion it’s called Viral Marketing…

But it’s not worked every time this type of Marketing sometimes works and gets lots of benefits…

11. Mobile Marketing

This Marketing strategy focuses on Your target Audience on their Mobile Phone or Tablet, Mobile Marketing attracts People to reach Your ads on Mobile via Text Message, Social Media, Website, E-mail, and Mobile App…

So again, the one new question [?] in Your mind is that…

I have understood What is Digital Marketing, But Who, Why, Where, What & How to use Digital Marketing?

…again, I tell all My Dears don’t be worried, I can explain in Simple Words and You can easily understand let’s fly in Digital Marketing Flight.

” Who, Why, Where, What & How to Digital Marketing in 2022? “

Who uses Digital Marketing?

  • Who can use Digital Marketing?

Anyone Who wants to grow more wants to earn more they can Do use Digital Marketing…

…grow more doesn’t mean only earning more Money or increasing Selling more it means growing Your visibility Online as a Business, as an Influencer, as a Service Provider, as a Teacher, as a Brand and includes everybody Who wants to grow on the Internet, that’s it they can do use digital marketing anyone can do it’s enough…

Why Digital Marketing is Important?

  • Why Digital Marketing?

  • Why use Digital Marketing?

  • Why Digital Marketing is Important nowadays in 2022?

  • Why Digital Marketing is Important for Business?

lot’s of Why Because Digital Marketing it’s very huge no.1 industries in own self…

let’s start With Why Digital marketing in 2022?

The World Population in 2021 is around 7.9 billion reported by Worldometers & Wikipedia

and then in this World Population, the Global Digital Population as of January 2021 active internet users Worldwide is around 4.66 Billion this reported by Statista.com & 4.80 Billion People around the world use the internet in July 2021 is reported by Datareportal.com so the conclusion is that This is about 60% of the Total Population. I didn’t say it, it says Statists & Datareportal report, and then this Population under around 92% Mobile Users.

Business methods have changed, and even the ways of Businesses reviewing their Customers have Shifted. Traditional Marketing taken has a Step Back and brings a New Face in front of the Industry We Called Digital Industries…

These are the Reason so Why use Digital Marketing.

1. Get to Know Your Target Audience Online

2. Your Audience is Online

3. Your Competitors are Online

4. Save Time, Money, and Resources

5. Build Your Brand Reputation across Online Channels

6. Acquire Huge Return of investment ( ROI )

7. Maximize Various Customer Touchpoints

8. Track Your Campaign Results ( Growth Measurement )

9. Promote Greater Consumer Engagement

10. Adjust Your Strategies Based on Analytics and Data

11. Drive Profitable Long Term Growth

12. Make the Most of accurate Audience Targeting

13. Improve Your Conversion Rates and Get More Profits

14. Globalize Your Business

…and many more reasons for Why use is Digital Marketing. But These Reasons are too much for Selecting Digital Marketing…

Where to do Digital Marketing?

  • Where to use Digital Marketing?

You can use it for any Business, Service, & Personal Growth it’s no limitation You can use it anywhere But The condition is that it must be connected through the Internet…

Where to use & Who use Digital Marketing is almost these are same things, in simple word that’s it.

What is the role of Digital Marketing in today's World in 2022?

  • What Role of Digital Marketing?

  • What is the Digital Marketing role for Businesses?

  • What is the Digital Marketing role for Individuals in 2022?

1. as of now, the whole world is connected through the Internet so Digital Marketing is the Future…

2. Digital Marketing no matter Your size & Where to You, it’s the Same for all Digital Marketing Gives Fair Opportunities To All Kinds Of Businesses…

3. Digital Marketing is so easy to use and easy to track all things for Beginners or Experts both ( Understanding Your Clients – Analytics )…

4. The Internet makes it easier to scale Your Marketing efforts and reach way more People in Your area…

5. There is no time limit in Digital Marketing, Adjust at any time, so You can also increase the Trust of Your Customers…

6. Digital Marketing is the most Cost-Effective ( Cost Less ) way to Promote & Build You or Your Band as compared to Offline Marketing or Branding…

7. Digital Advertising gives Guaranteeing Better Revenues as compared to Offline…

8. Engage through Personalization, Build a Reputation for Your Brand, Reach more People than ever Even with a good Offline Marketing Strategy, Companies face a Big challenge, there are limits to How many People a Newspaper, Commercial, or Flyer will reach.

How to Do Digital Marketing in 2022?

  • How to Use Digital Marketing?

  • How to Do Online Marketing?

  • How to Do Digital Marketing from Home in 2022?

1.Decide What’s Your Goal

Consider What You want to achieve first, and then make a commitment to it. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) Goals that inspire You, and Write them down to make them more real, Then make a list of the Steps You’ll need to accomplish Your objective and cross them off as you go…

Goal setting is a great tool for creating Your ideal future and Pushing Yourself or Your Business to Make it a Success…

Without a Goal What Will You Do? so it’s very important to find a goal, and then take the next step as an action ( initiative )…

2. Find Your Right Audience

Create Your Customer Avatar or Persona, How the Customer thinks, How Do they decide to buy, Who will decide to buy, And the Customer Avatar has a lot of things… ( ex: Location, Age, Gender, Employment, Income many more things use this and create audience )

You Create a Customer Avatar so that You can easily target Your Customer Without any hard efforts and then Result in increased Customers and Profits…

3. Decide the Budget for Every Digital Platform

How to Share Your Marketing Budget Between Various Platforms It’s a challenging task for Beginners, and Every Person says a different opinion on Budget Sharing but I Personally suggest creating own strategy for spending Your Money Because that Reason Every Person & His thoughts are different, and same for every Business and Customers are changing for area wise so Your money Your Rules are better than from others…

What’s Your Goal?

  1. Examples of Goals Include Your Wishlist

Branding – Social Engagement/Followers, Display, Branded Searches

Lead Generation – E-mail Newsletter Subscriptions, Visits, Account Signups

Sales – Yearly Revenue, Total Purchases, Average Order Value, Applications

  1. See Your Past Result How They Work
  2. Find Competitors Where to Spend and How much Results they achieve

…after that decide Where to Spend How much and Optimize Your Budget for a High Return of Investment ( ROI )…

4. Create a good Balance between Paid and Unpaid Digital Marketing Strategies.

Digital Marketing doesn’t mean only Paid ads and creates Sales or Brands, but Paid Marketing Strategy gives quicker results but it does not sustainable or longer…

…ultimately, Best Digital Marketers Recommended a focus on organic free Marketing using user-friendly Content, SEO, and Social Media, and many more things this leads to long Success and Stability…

5. Create Customer Attractive & Engaging Content

You Know Your Audience now, so You Know very well Your Audience wants what types of Content, Service, and Product…

You can create engaging content in the form of videos, Memes, Posts ( infographic ), Blogs, Social Media, Newsletters, E-mail, and many more ways so Your Customer is easy to convert into Sales…

” Content is The King but Marketing is The Queen ” no value of alone has

” The King is King but The Queen is The King’s on King “

…so, the conclusion is that create Purposeful Engaging Content so live for a Long -Time…

6. Be Aware Your Digital Presence is Mobile-Friendly or as Well Structured

As We have seen above that out of total internet users, 92% of users are on Mobile, they are around 4.3 Billion…

So, it is a simple matter that if our Customer is on Mobile, then We also have to target the Mobile.

So How Will We target Mobile, first of all, Make our Website Mobile-Friendly, our Videos, Photos, Blogs, Logos, Ads, Social Media, apps, and all those things that We Want to Do Marketing Should run Properly in Mobile.

7. Well-Known Keyword Collect for Easy Rank

If the Customer doesn’t know Your Brand Name or Business Name, How will the Customer reach out to You?

The answer is that through the Keywords…

The Customer never Searches the Brand Name, they Search the Product and Service name…

So, you will collect the high Performing Keywords related to Your Product, Service Name, and nearby words include the long tail, short tails & mid tails Keywords also, And What is Your Goal and What You Want Depends on the Keyword What will be this Keyword Transactional, Informational & Navigational…

8. Find Analytics for Your Marketing Strategy are Worked or Require any Change ( Measure Your ROI )

If You Do a lot of Hard Work for Digital Marketing, then it is getting some benefit or not, it is also necessary to see and if the benefit We are getting from the Marketing We are doing is equal to the Hard Work or not, if not then We How can improve it

Which We Call Return on Investment for Paid and Return on Efforts for Free

If are not getting the Result then We can change it according to the old data and restructure it to get the result…


Simply explained, digital marketing is the process of promoting and selling a brand using digital media, mainly through the use of multiple internet technologies.

It is more complicated, visible, and efficient than traditional sales and marketing techniques. This provides more positive effects in less time than traditional methods and is a more flexible form of marketing than the old method.

The beautiful thing about digital marketing is that it provides a number of resources for measuring the effects of any digital marketing industry in real-time. Also, if a vendor uses Google AdSense, they have a method for finding complete analytics on the impacts.


  1. patel bhavesh

    Thanks Priyesh Its Most Important thing that i learn from your blog..
    best informative & best to learn…

    thanks You So much..

    • Priyesh Khatrani

      Thank You Bahvesh for reading this blog, If Do You want more learning more about Digital Marketing so connect on our social media…

  2. Tasklms Academy

    Really a very helpful post, Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Tamizha Acadamy

    Digital Marketing surely is an interesting career option and many people wish to pursue careers in this field. The post you have shared gives information about some of the best digital marketing institutes in Dwarka along with fee structure. It is really helpful for those who want to make a career in digital marketing.

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